21 November, 2022

Paying It Back and Paying It Forwards – DAIS/DHS WCD Celebration

Fundraising activities

On Friday, the 18th of November, DAIS/DHS students raised their voices in the spirit of service and global citizenship to celebrate World Children’s Day 2022. With a focus on “paying it back” to the generations who came before and “paying it forwards” to other less fortunate children in our community, students rose to the occasion by living our school wide learner outcomes, rallying around the intention of becoming respectful, trustworthy global citizens who demonstrate strong character through responsible, fair, and caring actions.

Food Drive

The food drive was a tremendous success as our entire school community pulled together and donated hundreds of non-perishable food items to say thank you to the elders in Aunty Wang’s, the local retirement home, in making sure that the elders have warm and nourishing meals to last them the winter.

Food donations

Autism Awareness, Inclusion and Diversity

In true DAIS/DHS spirit, our students supported the volunteer group StarLighters, which focuses on raising awareness around autism by working closely with the local home for autistic children, Chen Xing Yu Lin on the event. Led by its founder G11 Mandy Li, through informative talks, music, fun, games, food and other creative activities, we managed to raise substantial monies, clothes, toys and books for those uniquely beautiful children.

Mandy Li

UN Sustainable Development Goal 4: Quality Education

The “Worldwide Supporters” group, led by Rebecca Lyu and Susan Li, chose to focus on Global Goal 4.6: Universal Youth Literacy by raising awareness around the importance of reading on stage and by collecting book donations for local children’s homes. Moreover, in support of Goal 4.7: Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship, Grade 5 students chose to raise awareness around child refugees with many of our secondary students choosing to educate their community on important topics such as child trafficking and child labor.

Paying It Back and Paying It Forwards – DAIS/DHS WCD Celebration - World Childrens Day

DAIS/DHS students therefore not only exhibited agency and creativity during this World Children’s Day, but they also showed that children do have a voice and that they can and do make a difference! This video wraps up our World Children's Day celebration.