21 January, 2022

Protecting the Child at School: DAIS Safeguarding Procedures


A child's welfare is a paramount, and each student has the right to be protected from any harm. We adopted the new Child Protection Policy at our school, and every person who works with children on the school campus and outside of it agreed to follow these procedures. All DAIS teachers and staff received compulsory training of safeguarding through Nord Anglia University last year to ensure we're doing everything possible to keep our students and community safe.

safeguarding teachers

We provide opportunities to families to witness our safeguarding measures. On January 13th we hosted a Parent Information Session for Elementary School families where we discussed how to identify and report types of abuse and other safeguarding issues.

parents safeguarding

DAIS students were also introduced to safeguarding this month. While Secondary School students were able to watch a short video during their Advisory class, in-person presentations for Elementary School kids were tailored to the needs of each group. Teachers discussed with them different types of abuse and how to report it.

elementary safeguarding

In order to better protect the physical and mental health of our students, the school officially appointed Mr. Mark Donagher as the Designated Safeguarding Lead, and Ms. Grace Holstrom (DAIS-E) and Ms. Carrie Sun (DHS-E) as Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads. Every teacher, student or parent can come to talk to them in person or send an email if you need to talk about any safety issue. Confidentiality will be respected as far as it's reasonably possible.

Who you may contact?

It's best to report any concerns to the Designated Safeguarding Leads as they have most resources to offer support if you have any concerns about the safety of a child.

To further improve the report process, we created a digital form that you can access scanning the QR code below. It's possible to fill in the form anonymously if you feel uncomfortable about sharing your name.

safeguarding leads

We'll do everything possible to ensure that all DAIS students will be supported to realize their ambitions by learning and thriving in the safest possible environment!