29 August, 2022

First House Event in 2022-23 School Year

Middle school team building

On Friday, August 26, DAIS Middle and High school students took part in the first assembly and house event in the current academic year. Students and teachers appreciated this chance for team building and getting to know each other.

Middle school teachers and students came together in the North Gym for a few announcements, and then headed to the field for fun team building games.

First House Event in 2022-23 School Year - House Event

The high school advisory assembly in the South Gym had a lively atmosphere, and it was certainly a good way to start off the school year. Students were happy to see many new and familiar faces during the assembly. Everyone was introduced to many new teachers and participated in house event activities.

Overall, it was great to be back as a community, and we are looking forward to the rest of this school year!