22 November, 2022

Students Rebuild: Welcoming Refugees Project

Welcoming Refugees Project

Students Rebuild is an organization that helps to educate children about global issues, and gives them an opportunity to help through making art.

This year, Students Rebuild is teaming up with humanitarian aid organizations around the globe to inspire change through the Welcoming Refugees Project. Together, we’re teaching students about refugee crises, how to make our communities more welcoming and open, and how small actions can make a big difference. Kids will channel their creativity to welcome people displaced by war and other crises by creating postcards. The Bezos Family Foundation is donating $5 USD to refugee-aid organizations for every postcard created, so students will see the difference they’re making firsthand.

Welcoming refugees postcard

Through this initiative the Pre-K to Grade 5 students at DAIS were able to raise $655 through their works of art.

During the World Children's Day celebration, in support of Goal 4.7: Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship, Grade 5 students chose to raise awareness around child refugees. Their display drew much attention of the visitors.

Welcoming refugees display

This initiative becomes a part of Share A Dream - our Social Learning program - and will be featured on the Nord Anglia Education platform